Write down the 5 things that you most want to do in your life. These are the desires, thoughts, dreams that have been looping in your mind but you haven’t done them yet. If you have items that you think you want to do but aren’t sure about, please also put them on the left column list. Example: ending a relationship, moving to Thailand, etc. or end your relationship, but thoughts have been swirling around your head about it. Write those down either way.
What you want to do (or maybe possibly think you want to do)
Next to each item that you listed, write out the reason or reasons that you have not done it yet.
Now that you have felt through some of the emotions you have related to that action, you are going to try on doing that thing you want to do (or maybe want to do). Pull on that idea like you are pulling on a sweater and let it take over your body for a minute. Then ask yourself, should I do this. If your body expands, or you feel excited, light, or hear a clear yes, then your energy is saying yes at this time. If your body contracts, feels icky and heavy, then your energy is saying no at this time. Do this practice as much as you can to strengthen your inner guidance system. In the moment you may totally feel a no, even if you have wanted to do something forever. That’s OKAY. That simply means now, in this moment, is not the time to do the thing. The time will come. If you keep checking in, and feeling your feels, you will get to a full body yes.
Exercise: Find a coin and flip it. Heads you take the action you want to take but haven’t and tails you do not. If you are unsure about the action you actually want to take, you can put option 1 as heads and option 2 as tails. Flip the coin and whatever it lands on, I want you to notice how you feel in your body. Does it feel exciting and expansive? Does it feel contracting?
Regression Therapy Meditation
In this exercise, we utilize regression therapy to dive into our core of intuition and begin to create a new reality.